The Steering Committee, led by the Coordinator (UNIVPM) and assisted by the Project Management Office, will include WPs Co-Leaders. The Steering Committee will play the central role of monitoring and ensuring the achievement of the projects’ milestones and the submission of the project’s deliverables.


Roberto Danovaro (Coordinator) – UNIVPM

Silvia Bianchelli (Management Office) – UNIVPM

Simonetta Fraschetti  (Leader WP3) – SZN

Chris Smith (Co-leader WP5) – HCMR

Luisa Mangialajo  (Co-leader WP5) – UNS

Emma Cebrian (Leader WP2) – UdG

Sotirios Orfanidis (Leader WP1) – HAO-DEMETER

Hazel Thornton (Leader WP4) – WCMC

Francesca Marcellini  (Co-leader WP6) – ECOREACH

Sajmir Beqiraj  (Co-leader WP3) – UV

Amel Hannachi  (Co-leader WP1) – FSB